Relevant Publications
Sanders, G.J. & Peacock, C.A. Data Analysis in Sports Science: Utilizing SPSS and ChatGPT. Second Edition. 2023. Kindle Direct Publishing. 2023. ISBN-13: 979-8871237359.
Sanders, G.J., Chatlaong, M.A., Peacock, C.A. Dose-Response Effects of Exercise and Testosterone Replacement Therapy on Body Composition, Lean Mass, and Heart Rate Responses: A Case Report Using Wearable Technology. Cureus. 16(12): e74928. DOI: 10.7759/cureus.74928.
Sanders, G.J., Skodinski, S., Cabarkapa, D.V., Howard, M., Cabarkapa, D., Kollock, O., Peacock, C. Positional Differences in Countermovement Jumps and Acute to Chronic Workload Ratios Throughout a Division I Volleyball Season. Translational Sports Medicine. Volume 2024(1):
Sanders, G.J., Skodinski, S., Cabarkapa, D.V., Howard, M., Cabarkapa, D., Kollock, R.O., Peacock, C. Countermovement Jumps and Acute to Chronic Workload Ratios in Low, Moderate, and High Jump Load Groups Throughout a Division I Volleyball Season. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Accepted 2024.
Howard, M., Sanders, G.J. Peacock, C.A., Kollock, R.O. Freire, R. The Effect of Daily Heart Rate Workloads on Preseason, Midseason, and Postseason Oxygen Consumption in Division I Basketball. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2023. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000004692.
Peacock, C. A., French, D., Sanders, G. J., Ricci, A., Stull, C., & Antonio, J. (2022). Weight Loss and Competition Weight in Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) Athletes. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology, 7(4), 115.
Gabriel J. Sanders, Collin Herb, Roger O. Kollock, Ashley Bealka, Olivia Niemi, & Clarke Blackburn. (2021). Relationship Between Physiological Fatigue and Muscular Fatigue Assessed Utilizing Surface Electromyography Wearable Technology. Research Directs in Strength and Performance, 1(1).
Sanders, G.J., Roll, B., Peacock, C.A., Kollock, R.O. Maximum movement workloads and high intensity workload demands by position in NCAA division I collegiate football. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2020. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000002611.
Sanders, G.J., Boos, B., Rhodes, J., Kollock, R.O., Peacock, C.A., Scheadler, C.A. Variability of competition-based caloric expenditure and relative heart rates in NCAA division I women’s basketball. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Accepted, In- Press. 2019; DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000003404.
Hale, D., Kollock, R.O., Pace, J., Sanders, G.J. Vertical jump and agility performance improve after an 8-week conditioning program in youth female athletes. Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2019, DOI:10.7752/jpes.2019.01109.
Sanders, G.J., Boos, B., Rhodes, J., Kollock, R.O., Peacock, C.A., Scheadler, C.M. Factors associated with minimal changes in countermovement jump performance throughout a competitive division I collegiate basketball season. Journal of Sports Sciences. 2019: 37(19):1-7.
Libs, H., Boos, B., Shipley, F., Peacock, C. A., & Sanders, G. J. Variability in Preseason Jump Loads and Heart Rate Intensities in Division I Volleyball. Journal of Exercise and Nutrition. 2019, 2(2):8.
Peacock, C.A., Sanders G.J. et al. Relationship Between Non-curved, Non-motorized, Resistance Treadmill Sprinting and Ground Speeds in American Football Players. Journal of Exercise and Nutrition. 2019, 2(2):10.
Peacock, C.A., Sanders, G.J., Antonio, J. The Competitive Season as an Experiment: Benefits, Limitations and Future Directions. Journal of Exercise and Nutrition. 2019, 2(1):1.
Sanders, G.J., Libs, H., Boos, B., Shipley, F., Peacock, C.A. The Influence of Caloric Expenditure, Heart Rate Responses, and Session-RPE on Muscle Glycogen Content of the Rectus Femoris Muscle Throughout a Division I Volleyball Preseason. International Society of Sports Nutrition, Las Vegas, NV, 2019
Sanders, G.J., Boos, B., Rhodes, J., Peacock, C.A., Kollock, R.O. Competition-based heart rate, training load, and time played above 85% peak heart rate in NCAA division I women's basketball. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. In-Press. 2018.
Peacock, C.A., Mena, M., Sanders, G.J., Silver, T.A., Kalman, D., Antonio, J. Sleep Data, Physical Performance, and Injuries in Preparation for Professional Mixed Martial Arts. Sports 2019, 7, 1.
Sanders, G.J., Boos, B., Shipley, F., Peacock, C.A. Bilateral Asymmetries in Ultrasound Assessments of the Rectus Femoris throughout an NCAA Division I Volleyball Preseason. Sports. 2018, 6 (3): 94.
Sanders, G.J., Roll, B., Peacock, C.A. Maximum distance and high-speed distance demands by position in NCAA Division I collegiate football games. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2017; 31(10): 2728-2733.
Sanders, G.J. Maximum distance and high-speed distance demands by position in NCAA Division I collegiate football games: Assessment of the maximum workload range. Catapult Sports Annual American Football Workshop, 2018.
Sanders, G.J., Boos, B., Shipley, F., Scheadler, C.A., Peacock, C.A. An accelerometer-based training load analysis to assess volleyball performance. Journal of Exercise and Nutrition. 2018; 1(1).
Peacock, C.A., Sanders, G.J., Antonio, J., Silver, T.A. The reporting of a multifaceted mixed martial arts strength and conditioning program. Journal of Exercise Physiology Online. 2018; 21(1):86-90.
Sanders, G.J., Boos, B., Kollock, R.O., Scheadler, C.A., Peacock, C.A., Horning, J. Competition-based caloric expenditure in NCAA division I women’s basketball. International Society of Sports Nutrition, Clearwater FL. 2018.
Sanders, G.J., Turner, Z, Boos, B., Peacock, C.A., Peveler, W., Lipping, A. Aerobic capacity is related to repeated sprint ability with sprint distances less than 40 meters. International Journal of Exercise Science. 2017; 10(2):197-204.
Sanders, G.J., Boos, B., Shipley, F., Peacock, C.A. Division I volleyball player tracking: An exploratory case analysis. Midwest American College of Sports Medicine, Fort Wayne IN. 2016
Peacock, C.A., Krein, D.D., Antonio, J., Sanders, G.J., Colas, M. Comparing acute bouts of sagittal plane progression foam rolling vs. frontal plane progression foam rolling. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2015; 29(8): 2310-2315.
Peacock, C.A., Krein, D.D., Silver, T.A., Sanders, G.J., von Carlowitz, K.P. An Acute bout of self-myofascial release in the form of foam rolling improves performance testing. International Journal of Exercise Science. 2014; 7(3): 202-211.